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Visibility experts who can help massage therapists get seen

Time and time again I meet massage therapists who feel invisible. They're struggling to be seen and connect with potential clients.

Solo entrepreneurs all have to deal with big brand companies that seem to get all the attention. Those of us who want to create unique healing experiences, not just offer cookie cutter massage, are very much desired in our communities. People want to find us. So we need to find ways to stand out and get their attention.

To help out my global community of massage therapists, I've put together a list of the experts who have helped me along my journey to create and grow my ideal business.

Each of these experts offer a ton of free information to help you become more visible so that your ideal clients can find you. All you have to do is click on the links provided and start receiving videos and articles loaded with valuable insights.

I can’t say enough about Selena Soo. She focuses on helping service oriented entrepreneurs gain visibility, connect with their ideal clients and become influencers in their industries. Selena emphasizes that “leading with generosity” is the key to relationship and reputation building.

When I first opened my private practice Selena was the first expert outside of the massage community that I turned to for help. Under her guidance I saw that creating a business based on what everyone else in the massage community was doing, was actually making me invisible.

Through Selena I discovered Derek, and took my marketing strategy to the next level. He helps businesses increase visibility and sales by showing them how to promote engaging blog, website and email content. He became known for applying the 80/20 rule to online blogging. Derek says that to get seen you should spend 20% of your time on creating content and 80% of your time on promoting it.

I turned to Derek for help when I lost a big referral partner, and needed to turn my email subscriber list into paying customers asap. Using his Yes Engines principles I also re-conceptualized my website and boosted myself to the top of Google with local searches for medical massage.

#3 Vanessa Van Edwards

Vanessa’s company, The Science of People, focuses on understanding non-verbal communication. This is an area we therapists excel at in the massage room, but because a lot of us are introverts, it can becomes a challenge in social situations.

If you want to stand out in your community then you need to go to events and meet people. You can break out of the wallflower mentality, and become the person everyone wants to talk to when you read non-verbal cues and use body language to communicate your intentions to support and heal.

I teach massage therapists how to have meaningful one-on-one sales conversations with clients. One of the things I emphasize is the importance of body language. You can say all the right things, but if your body language communicates something else, that’s what people will believe.

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