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How scarcity mentality blocks therapists from creating their ideal practices, and what to do about i

When I first started conceptualizing my private practice, I was a single mom working as a full time employee in a chiropractor's clinic. I was living paycheck to paycheck while treating six clients a day, five days a week. That's 30 hours of hands-on time every Monday to Friday.

I didn't have a savings account, so when there was a big unexpected expense, I leaned on my credit cards. As my debt rose, my fear went with it. So I kept pushing ahead. There was no sick leave or vacation pay. There was no room to relax and just breathe. All the things I told my clients to do, I couldn't have them for myself. It felt like hypocrisy. After several years resentment set in. Bitterness soon followed. And then I broke.

It got to the breaking point when a new therapist showed up at our clinic.

Katy Pavlis is not only a massage therapist but a shamanic practitioner in the Lakota way. When she joined the clinic things started happening. During break room chats, she challenged my concept of what was real and possible. When I asked her for a private healing session, it all came apart. I saw clearly that a unique, creative healing vision was growing inside of me, longing to be birthed into the world.

The only block was the belief that there wasn't anyone who would receive this gift, that there wasn't enough room for me to go out on my own and have a successful massage practice. The fear that starting a business would end in financial ruin and devastation for me and my daughter.

Through spiritual healing, I got un-stuck from the scarcity mentality. It was like that scene in the Matrix. You know the one. I broke through limiting beliefs and fears to see the abundance of the Universe welcoming me to claim my destiny.

Scarcity mentality starts, not within us as individuals, but outside - in the wider social context in which we're born and raised.

On average massage therapists are still earning less than $30k/year in the United States. That means that we're giving, giving, giving - just pouring out our healing energy into the world, while barely making a living wage.

The majority of massage therapists are women. Our work is traditionally undervalued in this society. It's assumed that since we're healers and caregivers that we're above mere money, instead working for the good of humanity.

Even when we have a creative drive within us that urges us to go out and live a more fulfilling, authentic life - it gets pushed down by all the voices saying to play it safe.

So how do we move from the scarcity mentality to the abundance mindset? I believe that the only way is to heal in the spiritual dimension.

We can't intellectually think our way out of scarcity. We have to get to the soul level and break it apart.

Now I'm admittedly a very analytical, intellectual, rational person so that's not easy for me to admit. And spiritual growth is definitely not my area of expertise. So I don't feel that I'm personally called to lead massage therapists through the dark woods of scarcity into the clarity of abundance.

That's why I've teamed up with Siobhan McAuley, creator of Stirring the Soul. She's the yin to my yang. I'm the go-to expert on how to create and market a $50k+/year massage practice. Whereas, Siobhan shows us how to remove the limits placed on our psyches so that we can be free to say yes to our destinies.

On Friday, July 28, 2017 I'm hosting Siobhan as a guest speaker in the Massage Practice Mentor Facebook group at 3:00pm EST to help therapists heal their relationships with money on a spiritual level.

I invite you to join. For those who participate in the live broadcast we'll have gifts from both Siobhan and I, which will be announced at the end of the session. Attendance is free, no one will be asked to sign up for anything. If you wish to learn more about working with either of us, you can learn more on our respective websites, or follow us online.

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